Call Us : 905-524-3326
After hours : 905-719-5915
305-21 King St. W., Hamilton, ON, L8P 4W7

If you have been convicted wrongfully for child pornography, Paquette Wilhelm Criminal Lawyers can help you. Our child pornography possession lawyers in Hamilton have over 35 years of experience in the industry and we will do everything we can to save your reputation and prevent you from going to jail.
Possession of child pornography can lead to serious penalties, including jail, mandatory sex offender registration and damaged relationships with friends, family members and people in your community. Once the person who is convicted for a sexual offence is released from jail, he or she will have limited options for employment and will have severe restrictions on where he or she can live and travel for at least 10 years. We strive hard to defend you when you are in need and we will do everything to save your reputation.
When a person does not have exclusive access to his or her computer, or the computer becomes infected with a virus, the computer owner could be unfairly charged with possession of child pornography. Hence, not all child pornography possession charges can be assumed as genuine. There are high chances that, child pornography can be downloaded automatically, if there is a virus on a computer. With proper analysis and creative defence strategies, our lawyers will uncover the evidence that can be used in your favour.
Worry no more if you are not at fault. Discuss your case with us today. Call us to schedule an appointment with our experienced lawyers.